How We Craft Your Portfolio

The process is based on you.

We use a variety of tools to craft your portfolio. We also select from a wide array of money managers. Each one is selected by style and fit, according to the strategy we create for you. The result is a plan we agree upon together.

Crafting a personalized, diversified portfolio is not a one-and-done deal.

After we get to know about your life, concerns, feelings about money, and where you want to be in the future, then it’s time to craft a portfolio.

  1. WrapManager starts that process by following the recommendations of our Investment Policy Committee (IPC). We carefully consider a combination of money managers and money management strategies for you.
  2. Next, we select a mix of investments that fit you.
  3. Finally, with your portfolio strategy in place, we manage your investments throughout the year via reviews by phone, in our offices (and in person when we are traveling to your area) with you. If needed, we help you adjust your investments to meet your goals.

A personalized plan should serve you throughout your life.

Life is a journey. It’s filled with many experiences: expected and unexpected. So, it makes sense that your portfolio strategy is flexible. To make the most of your investment plan you may want to talk with us more than just quarterly.

Turn to us for every major financial decision and confide in us whenever life impacts your wealth strategy goals. Likewise, whenever something happens in the market that affects your long-term strategy, that becomes an important part of the conversation.

Retirement Plan Strategy - Ebook

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